
Affiliate Terms & Conditions

 Adaptive House Plans Affiliate Service Agreement is made between Adaptive Plans Inc. and you, the Affiliate.
You must agree to follow the terms and conditions in this agreement to participate. Please read this agreement carefully before registering and using the Adaptive House Plans Affiliate Service. Signing up for Adaptive House Plans Affiliate Service indicates your acceptance of this agreement and its terms and conditions. 

If you do not accept this agreement, you are not eligible to participate in the Adaptive House Plans affiliate service.


  • You place our merchant banners anywhere on your site as you see fit, within social media posts or non-spam emails.
  • We may email you concerning new merchant programs
  • We might change the service from time to time
  • Adult, hate, or other related sites will not be accepted
  • You will be paid your commissions monthly, at such time as your account balance is $50.00CDN or more. If $50.00CDN is not reached after three months, we’ll pay it out the commission balance for all three months in a lump sum payment.
  • All statistics are collected and calculated on AdaptiveHousePlans.com, which will be the only valid stats for determining commissions.
  • Spamming is not permitted. We will terminate your affiliate account on the first offence of spamming. Do not send emails to lists or groups that you do not have permission to send to!
  • You may place banners or links within your newsletters, within the content of your website, or within other web-related content such as social media posts.
  • Affiliate accounts that are left inactive will be deemed abandoned and removed from our system. An abandoned affiliate account is defined as any account that has not sent any referral visits, logged any commission or been logged in to the affiliate dashboard for a period of six months.
  • NOT ALLOWED: All other uses of banners or links, such as newsgroups, chat rooms, ICQ, message boards, banner networks, hit farms, counters, or guestbooks etc., are NOT allowed.
  • NOT ALLOWED: Any placement of creative in a “Desktop” advertising scheme. This includes any and all 3rd party advertising platforms that use a desktop application to display ads in any form.
  • NOT ALLOWED: Any display of a merchant window that isn’t the result of a direct click by the end user.
  • Failure to abide by these rules could mean termination from Adaptive House Plans Affiliate Services completely with a complete forfeit of commissions.
  • Fraud is a serious offence and will be treated as such. Fraud is defined as any action that intentionally attempts to create sales, leads, or click-throughs using robots, frames, iframes, scripts, or manually “refreshing” pages for the sole purpose of creating commissions. Any attempted fraud of fraud will result in membership termination and voided commissions.
  • If you run or utilize an incentive website, you may participate Adaptive House Plans Affiliate Services pay-per-click and pay-per-lead programs only if you receive specific written permission from Adaptive House Plans. Without this permission, your commissions may be voided.
  • You cannot refer yourself as a customer of Adaptive House Plans and receive a commission.


Adaptive House Plans respects the privacy of its users and will not disclose personal information to third parties without the express permission of you and your company.


As an Adaptive House Plans Affiliate, you may place and remove merchant links on your site and in acceptable locations.

  • You place our merchant’s banners anywhere on your site as you see fit or within non-spam emails.
  • Pornographic, hate, or other related sites are not allowed
  • Spamming is not permitted. We will terminate your account on the first offence of spamming. Do not send emails to lists or groups that you do not have permission to send to.
  • Affiliate accounts that are left inactive will be removed from our system. An abandoned affiliate account is defined as any account that has not been logged in for 6 months, nor has any referral transactions been posted to that account.
  • NOT ALLOWED: All other uses of banners or links, such as newsgroups, chat rooms, ICQ, message boards, banner networks, hit farms, counters, or guestbooks etc., are NOT allowed.
  • NOT ALLOWED: Any placement of creative in a “Desktop” advertising scheme. This includes any 3rd party advertising platforms that use a desktop application to display ads in any form.
  • NOT ALLOWED: Any display of a merchant window that doesn’t result from a direct click by the end user.


You will receive a commission for sending a referral that leads to a merchant-authorized sale(s). To place links eligible for commission payments, you must first be approved by Adaptive House Plans and be approved as an affiliate. You understand that the commission amount may be changed at any time. You are responsible for determining if the payout for a link you have placed on your site has changed or been discontinued. You receive the commission from Adaptive House Plans; payments are made at the end of the month when your account balance reaches $50 or more for the previous month’s transactions. If $50 is not reached after three months, AdaptiveHousePlans.com will pay out the commission balance owed as of that date.

Money credited to your account does not accrue interest. In the event of a void, AdaptiveHousePlans.com may recover from you the corresponding commission previously credited to your account. The void commission will be immediately deducted from your account balance. If your account balance is less than the void commission, the void commission will be deducted from your future earnings. You will never be asked to send money to AdaptiveHousePlans.com.


 Adaptive House Plans reserves the right to e-mail you to inform you of applicable changes or additions to the service or any Adaptive House Plans related products and service(s).


Adaptive House Plans reserves the right to change, modify, add or remove portions of this agreement at any time and may add to, change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the service at any time. In the event of any material change, AdaptiveHousePlans.com will notify you via e-mail at least 7 days before any such changes taking effect, at which time you may either agree to such changes or withdraw from the service.


To sign up as an Affiliate of Adaptive House Plans and to use the affiliate service, you must be at least nineteen years of age & of sound mind.

The following types of sites are not allowed to participate in AdaptiveHousePlans.com Affiliate Services: sites that promote violence, bigotry, hatred, or any sites that promote illegal activity.

As part of the registration process, you will select a username that, once approved, you use to access your Affiliate Dashboard via AdaptiveHousePlans.com. You shall provide AdaptiveHousePlans.com with accurate, complete and updated registration information. You may not select the name of another person with the intent to impersonate that person or deceive AdaptiveHousePlans.com or other users as to your true identity. You agree that AdaptiveHousePlans.com may rely on any data, notice, instruction or request furnished to  AdaptiveHousePlans.com by you which is reasonably believed by AdaptiveHousePlans.com to be genuine and to have been sent or presented by a person reasonably believed by AdaptiveHousePlans.com to be authorized to act on Your behalf. You shall notify AdaptiveHousePlans.com by e-mail of any known or suspected unauthorized uses of your account or any known or suspected security breach, including loss, theft or unauthorized disclosure of your username and password. You shall be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your username and password, and you are responsible for all usage and activity on your account, including use of the account by a third party authorized by you to use your account. Any fraudulent, abusive or otherwise illegal activity may be grounds for termination by AdaptiveHousePlans.com and referral to the appropriate law enforcement agencies.


You represent to Adaptive House Plans that all content you provide to the service is solely owned by you or provided by you with the express authority of the company you represent, does not infringe upon any other individual’s or organization’s rights (including, without limitation, intellectual property rights) and is not defamatory, libellous, unlawful or otherwise objectionable. You shall not provide, promote, distribute, place or otherwise publish as an affiliate of the service any content or website that includes content which is libellous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, abusive, fraudulent or violates any law. As AdaptiveHousePlans.com may not review all information you provide, you shall remain solely responsible for your content and website.

Links may not be placed in newsgroups, unsolicited e-mail, ICQ, banner networks, counters, chatrooms or guestbooks. Any Link placed must be done in such a way that it is not misleading to any visitor and done with the intention of delivering valid sales, leads to the related  AdaptiveHousePlans.com for that Link.


You, the affiliate, are granted a non-exclusive, limited, revocable right to use Adaptive House Plans provided trademarks and banners. All images, technology and content provided for your use are and shall remain the sole property of AdaptiveHousePlans.com. No part thereof shall be deemed assigned or licensed to you except as explicitly provided for herein. All intellectual property rights, including trademarks, copyrights, patent rights or applications, trade names and service marks related to the foregoing, shall remain Adaptive House Plans sole property, including rights in and to any derivatives thereof. You may not modify the trademarks, banners, content or any of the images provided to you in any way.

 AdaptiveHousePlans.com may immediately terminate your license to use the marks if  AdaptiveHousePlans.com reasonably believes that such use dilutes, tarnishes or blurs the value of their brand(s). You acknowledge that your use of the marks will not create in you, nor will you represent that you have any right, title or interest in or to the marks other than the license granted by  AdaptiveHousePlans.com. You will not challenge the validity of or attempt to register any of the marks or your interest therein as a licensee. You will not adopt any derivative or confusingly similar names, brands or marks or create any combination marks with the marks. You acknowledge AdaptiveHousePlans.com ownership and exclusive right to use the marks and agree that all goodwill arising as a result of using the marks shall inure to the benefit of AdaptiveHousePlans.com.

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